Data Analytics to Take Informed Action

Data can be organized to answer a wide range of questions, including:


Equity Measurements

equity measurements for students
  • Do students of color and low-income students have access to rigorous courses? Are all students equally successful in AP and Honors courses?

  • Does rigor mean “Tech Prep” for certain groups of students and “AP” for others?

  • Do students who commit the same offense receive the same consequence?

  • Are middle school math placement guidelines limiting the opportunities for certain students to take advanced coursework?

  • What is the profile of a successful alternative school student? What student groups are not getting their needs met?

  • Could district ESA FTE be better allocated within the district based on student characteristics?

Evaluative Analytics

evaluative analytics
  • Which classrooms have seen exceptional student growth?

  • To what extent have district initiatives achieved their goals?

  • Which courses create the biggest issues with credit accrual?

  • Are reading interventions improving student skills?

  • What new CTE programs are needed to meet emerging workforce demands?

Predictive Analytics

predicitve analytics image
  • Where can schools focus SEL efforts to also improve key MTSS metrics such as attendance and discipline?

  • Which indicators best identify students who are likely to struggle in the transition to middle school?

  • How can we identify students who are starting to show signs of being at risk?

  • Which students are failing courses, even when they attend regularly? Is this limited to particular classrooms or groups?

  • How can the district integrate data from the National Student Clearinghouse to assess college enrollment?

School Performance Indicators

school performance indicators image
  • How well is each building and grade tracking to district KPIs? How can the district set measurable objectives for the coming year?

  • What courses best predict college-readiness?

  • What is the impact of mobility on student achievement metrics?

  • Which schools in the state serve similar student populations, but achieve higher success rates on key metrics?

  • How many high school graduates enroll in college and are ready for college-level coursework?

Student Voice

student voice
  • What can our graduating students tell us that can be used to improve student learning?

  • What are best practices for maximizing student and parent response rates on Climate and Culture surveys?